International Law News, Analysis And Analysis Web Page 1Law News

On June 21, 2023, a jury within the United States District Court for the District of Delaware found Google responsible for patent infringement and ordered the company to pay Personal Audio, LLC $15.1 million in damages. LONDON – International IP firm Mewburn Ellis has released a mini-report that examines the trends within the operation and use of the UK IPO’s Green Channel program. The UK’s IPO Green Channel allows patent applicants to speed up the processing of patent functions… At first look, the patent system may appear to be a peculiar exception within the context of a free-market financial system.…

International Law News, Analysis And Analysis Web Page 1Law News

On June 21, 2023, a jury within the United States District Court for the District of Delaware found Google responsible for patent infringement and ordered the company to pay Personal Audio, LLC $15.1 million in damages. LONDON – International IP firm Mewburn Ellis has released a mini-report that examines the trends within the operation and use of the UK IPO’s Green Channel program. The UK’s IPO Green Channel allows patent applicants to speed up the processing of patent functions… At first look, the patent system may appear to be a peculiar exception within the context of a free-market financial system.…